Went to a lovely party last night, an "Old Year" party, which is a wonderful idea. Lots of interesting people and of course I wound up blathering on about digital publishing, as usual. Fortunately most of those in my impact zone seemed interested. And my pal Hank Edwards was there. A year ago I turned Hank on to Loose Id at a different party hosted by one of the hosts of last night's party. Hank's been happy with his experiences at LI and this morning I got a lovely note from him thanking me for being generous and sharing information. Made me all "aw shucks," but really, when you think of it, why on earth wouldn't I help another writer? This business is so rough sometimes, and what goes around comes around. You never know when you might stand to benefit from someone else's generosity, so I see helping out as part of a cycle. And readers read so much faster than most authors can write. We're not so much in competition with each other as we are with all the many other forms of entertainment that can be produced faster and more cheaply.
As some of you may know, my agent Jenny Rappaport announced at the beginning of the month that she's leaving the business. This is a great disappointment to me, as I like Jenny on a personal level and we worked well together. She was the first agent I ever had who made me feel like I actually had an agent, someone in my corner who was accessible and accepting of my artistic focus. Not sure what I'm going to do now. For epublishing, I don't need an agent, and my experience with agents in the past hasn't been all that great. I've found that they can run interference with me as much as they do with publishers and that was a very frustrating experience. Then again, the universe is full of surprises, so who knows. For now, it's full steam ahead with epublishing.
Speaking of which, I'm madly trying to whip Amaranth & Ash into a shape I won't be utterly humiliated to turn in to Loose Id. The story's great, it's just rather sizeable, and toward the end, I think I have the right events in place, but the wrong scenes set to show them. Thank god for editors. I feel like a little kid with a new toy she can't quite figure out how to assemble, shoving it at the nearest adult. "Waaaah! Fix this!"
Did you know that tonight is a blue moon (second full moon in a calendar month) and a lunar eclipse? Whoo boy! Be careful everyone, and have a wonderful evening and may 2010 bring you health, happiness, and prosperity!
Good luck with the story and
This looks like a blog site I'll have to come back and check often.
I found it via "Literary Nymphs put the X in Merry Xmas" chat this week.
Posted by: Beth | January 02, 2010 at 12:53 AM