I've been wanting to do something about getting my first novel, The Nature of Smoke (coincidentally a prequel to tomorrow's release, All the Colors of Love) back into print, but I no longer had files for the book. I don't have time to type it all in again (and the thought of doing that makes me want to jab a sharp stick in my eye anyway). So I did a little research and found ou tthat getting a book scanned is really not a big deal.
I went with Bound Book Scanning. The only other companies I could find reviews for were 1DollarScan, which only does pdf and I need Word files, and Blue Leaf. Blue Leaf has conditions about the kind of books they'll scan. Apparently they used to prohibit "trashy romance novels." Now they have a more general policy against sex and violence. Well, fuck that. While they're deciding if they want to be a book scanning company or a moral authority, I have work to do -- sexy, violent work.
Anyway, I went with Bound Book and I just got my files back today -- seven days after I sent the book in. I have an unformatted Word doc, a formatted Word doc, and a pdf, all of which look pretty damn good. For my purposes, the unformatted Word doc will probably be the most useful, because I'll want to reformat it myself anyway, after proofing it. There are bound to be some errors. In fact, the formatted Word scan is entertaining as hell for the endless different ways in which it gets both my name and the title wrong. Hilarious.
I went with the destructive scan (One trade paperback gave its life for the good of the whole novel, just like Spock.) and the whole thing ran me about $35. Nice when things turnout to be both cheap and easy.
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