This article from the NYT offers the perfect opportunity to play the e-books article drinking game. I've added a few of my own alternate rules.
Expert you’ve never heard of before predicting percentages:
By the end of this year, 10.3 million people are expected to own e-readers in the United States, buying about 100 million e-books, the market research company Forrester predicts.
Okay, not quite a percentage, but still a prediction from an expert I've never heard of: 1/2 a drink.
Reminder that some people read in the bathtub or on the beach and assertion that e-readers/physical books are superior in this regard:
Ms. Muskat, 29, bought an iPad for her husband, 33, who works at his family’s shoe business, before their honeymoon in June, but quickly discovered that his electronic reading impinged on her old-fashioned reading.
“I brought a book with me and I barely read it,” said Ms. Muskat, a media consultant. “We used to go to the beach and we’d both take out books, but he had an iPad, and it was almost distracting because it didn’t feel like he was reading with me.”
two drinks + half a bottle of vodka for vague wtfery (see in bold).
1 use of phrase “real book” + “smell of a real book”
“She talks about the smell of the paper and the feeling of holding it in your hands,” said Mr. de Halleux, 32, who says he thinks the substance is the same regardless of medium. He added, sounding mildly piqued, “She uses the word ‘real.’ ”
It's happy hour! One drink + clean out the liquor cabinet, drink until you pass out, wake up next morning, puke, then continue drinking.
Will e-books wipe out/kill/decimate/pulverize/HULKSMASH/angry verb real books?
The trend is wreaking havoc inside the publishing industry, but inside homes, the plot takes a personal twist as couples find themselves torn over the “right way” to read.
One drink, plus super extra bonus points for making it personal: Not only are ebooks WREAKING HAVOK in publishing, they're also tearing families apart! Think of the children! Won't SOMEBODY THINK OF THE CHIDLREN?!
Since this is the main thrust of the whole article, don't hold back. After all, civilization is falling down around our ears and nobody can stop reading on their Kindle/Nook/Ipad long enough to care! Quick, rob a pharmacy, hop on a plane, break into Steve Jobs house and leave Jeff Bezos/Hemmingway slash on his iPad. Preferably noncon.
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